
Cannabis users often find certain strains more suitable for nighttime, offering relaxing and sleep-promoting effects. The diverse world of cannabis strains, each with its unique composition of cannabinoids and terpenes, provides a variety of options for nighttime use.

Indica Strains: The Classic Nighttime Choice

When selecting a cannabis strain for evening or nighttime use, Indica strains are often the first choice. Traditionally, Indicas are known for their relaxing and sedating effects. They typically have high levels of THC and are associated with full-body relaxation and stress relief, which can prepare the body and mind for sleep Weed Online.

Some popular Indica strains for nighttime use include “Granddaddy Purple,” known for its stress-relieving properties, and “Northern Lights,” celebrated for its calming and sleep-inducing effects.

High-CBD Strains: For Non-Intoxicating Relaxation

Not all users want the high THC levels often found in Indica strains. For those who prefer a non-intoxicating option, high-CBD strains can be an excellent choice for nighttime use. CBD, or cannabidiol, is known for its calming and anti-anxiety effects without causing a “high.”

High-CBD strains like “ACDC” or “Charlotte’s Web” can help promote relaxation and combat anxiety, making them suitable for nighttime use.

Strains High in Specific Terpenes

Beyond cannabinoids, terpenes – the aromatic compounds in cannabis – can also influence a strain’s effects. Certain terpenes are known for their relaxing and soothing properties, making strains high in these terpenes a good choice for nighttime use.

For example, the terpene myrcene, found in strains like “Blue Dream” and “OG Kush,” is known for its calming properties. Similarly, the terpene linalool, present in strains like “Amnesia Haze,” has been associated with promoting relaxation and aiding sleep.
Balanced THC/CBD Strains: Best of Both Worlds

A balanced THC/CBD strain might provide the optimal nighttime experience for some users. These strains contain roughly equal amounts of THC and CBD, providing a mix of the relaxing and psychoactive effects of THC and the calming, non-intoxicating effects of CBD.

Balanced strains like “Cannatonic” and “Harlequin” can offer a moderate high that’s calming and relaxing without being overwhelmingly sedative, making them good choices for evening use.


Choosing the right cannabis strain for nighttime depends mainly on the user’s needs and preferences. Whether it’s the relaxing effects of an Indica, the non-intoxicating relaxation of a high-CBD strain, the nuanced influence of specific terpenes, or the balanced effects of a hybrid, there’s a nighttime strain for every cannabis user. As always, it’s essential to start slow and monitor your body’s response when trying a new cannabis strain.